Bath Numerical Analysis seminar

University of Bath

Bath Numerical Analysis Seminar, 2nd Semester 2009/2010

The Numerical Analysis seminar at Bath has been running continuously since 1986 and features a range of invited talks from distinguished visitors as well as internal talks by staff and students of Mathematical Sciences and other Departments at the University of Bath.

The Bath Numerical Analysis Seminar takes place Fridays at 12.15 in 1W3.6 (also known as the BICS room). From 30th April the Numerical Analysis Seminar takes place in 4W1.7 (the Wolfson Lecture Theatre). Campus maps can be found here.

Everyone is welcome at these talks and please join us for lunch after the seminar.


Date Speaker Title
January 7th at 11.15 Tatiana Kim (University of Bath) Hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary integral method for high-frequency acoustic scattering.
February 12th Euan Spence (University of Bath) Approximating the numerical range of linear operators, and applications to boundary integral equations for high frequency scattering.
February 17th at 16.15 Victor Dominguez (University of Navarra) Mathematical analysis of the Bruno & Kunyansky Nyström Method for Boundary Integral Equation in 3D acoustic scattering problems.
February 19th Nigel Wood (MetOffice) Current and Future Plans For The Met Office's Unified Model, Including A Tentative Step Towards Mesh Adaptation.
February 26th Zhivko Stoyanov (University of Bath) Perturbartion theory for random symmetric matrices.
March 5th Aretha Teckentrup (University of Bath) Numerical schemes and the multilevel Monte Carlo method for stochastic differential equations.
March 12th Yangfeng Su (Fudan University Shanghai) Aggregation-based Model Order Reduction for Many-Port Interconnect Circuits.
March 19th Manolis Georgoulis (University of Leicester) Some recent results in the a posteriori error control of evolution PDEs.
March 26th Fynn Scheben (University of Bath) Iterative methods for neutron transport eigenvalue problems.
March 29th - April 9th Easter break
The Department of Mathematical Sciences is going to move to a new building over Easter. The Numerical Analysis seminars will take place in 4W1.7 (the Wolfson Lecture Theatre) from 23rd April.
April 16th in 1W3.6 Ben Adcock (University of Cambridge) Modified Fourier expansions: theory, accelerating convergence and generalisations.
April 23rd in 1W3.6 Gabriel Barrenechea (University of Strathclyde) New local projection stabilized finite-element methods and their link to variational multi-scale methods.
April 30th in 4W1.7 Adrian Hill (University of Bath) Recent work of Michel Crouzeix in removing the eigenvector condition number from norm estimates of matrix functions.
May 7th in 4W1.7 Bodo Werner (Universität Hamburg) Bifurcations in microscopic car following models with bottle necks.
May 17th (Monday) in 4W1.7 at 11.15 Helmut Podhaisky (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) Computing B-series for Runge-Kutta methods.
June 4th in 4W1.7 Ganesh, Mahadevan (Colorado School of Mines) A pseudospectral algorithm and analysis for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres.

How to get to Bath

See here for instructions how to get to Bath. Please, email me here if you intend to come by car and require a parking permit for Bath University Campus for the day.

Guidelines for internal speakers for the introductions of their talks

Since the audience of the NA seminar contains both PhD students and staff with quite wide interests and backgrounds, the beginning of your talk should answer the following 4 questions (e.g. if doing a slide show, the first 4 slides could have these titles):
  • What is the problem you're considering?
  • Why do you find this interesting?
  • What has been done before on this problem/what's the background?
  • What is your approach/what are you going to talk about?
You may want to revisit these points later on in the talk (e.g. to give more detail), but following this template should mean that early on in the talk the audience have a clear idea of the motivation for the material you're covering.
If you have any queries, please email the seminar organiser here.
