Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day
RAL - 30 Jan 2013
- 10.50
- Professor Douglas Arnold (Minnesota)The periodic table of finite elements
- 11.30
- Dr Phil Browne (Reading)Topology optimization - a case study of a successful CASE award between Bath and RAL
- 12.10
- Dr Jonathan Hogg (RAL)A fast triangular solve on GPUs
- 14.20
- Dr Tony Shardlow (Bath)Pathwise approximation of SDEs and adaptive time stepping
- 15.00
- Dr Tyrone Rees (RAL)Can you use MINRES with an indefinite preconditioner?
- 16.00
- Professor Kevin Burrage (Oxford)From cells to tissue: coping with heterogeneity when modelling the electrophysiology of the human heart