Bath/RAL Numerical Analysis Day
RAL - 22 January 2018
- 10.30
- Registration (4 West Atrium)
- 10.50
- Nick Gould (RAL)Iterated-subspace minimization methods for nonlinear optimization
- 11.30
- Euan Spence (Bath)Domain-decomposition preconditioning for the Helmholtz and Maxwell equations
- 12.10
- Tim Davis (Texas)SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms via sparse matrix operations on semirings
- 12.50
- Lunch
- 14.20
- Sheehan Olver (Imperial)Sparse spectral methods for PDEs on triangles with multivariate orthogonal polynomials
- 15.00
- Daniil Kazantsev (RAL)Inverse problems for multi-channel computed tomography
- 15.40
- Tea and Coffee
- 16.00
- Sergey Dolgov (RAL)Low rank tensor product surrogates for sampling from high dimensional distributions